Cross Promotion

Table of Contents

Available since homabelly_core-1.2.0

This feature requires Unity 2019+

Definition of this product

The Cross Promotion feature allows you to advertise other Homa Games games within your app in an easy way.



To initialize and start using the cross promotion feature, drag and drop the prefab you will find under Homa Games/Homa Belly/Core/Prefabs/CrossPromotion/CrossPromotionPlayer.prefab inside any UI Canvas within your hierarchy.

⚠️ Please ensure the Cross-Promotion UI is clickable and always visible by default. If you have another game object intercepting the touch/click, the cross-promotion UI won't be clickable. Visibility will be automatically handled by Homa Belly.

The cross promotion feature will automatically fetch the configuration for your game from our servers and start displaying any cross promotion item when available. Since then, the UI won't be visible.

Upon reloading your hierarchy, scene or canvas, cross promotion will reload itself and potentially display another configured item, based on the configuration for your game.

UI Placement

Cross-Promotion feature should be placed in the main menu scene of your game. It should be visible at the very beginning of the game and when coming back to the menu. The size of the cross-promotion feature should follow the range of the screenshot you can see above.

⚠️ Please ensure the Cross-Promotion UI is clickable and always visible by default. If you have another game object intercepting the touch/click, the cross-promotion UI won't be clickable. Visibility will be automatically handled by Homa Belly.


You can customize the CrossPromotionPlayer game object in your hierarchy the way you want: scale, rotate or modify any UI property like colors, fonts, etc...

This will make the cross promotion player be more aligned with your game art while continue seamlessly working.

🛠 Detailed procedure

The module is plug and play, and it is a matter of dragging & dropping a prefab inside your game UI. See the screenshot below to find where is stored the prefab inside Homa Belly.


Then place it inside your Canvas, in a place you find appropriate. You are free to edit the dimensions (edit the scale, not the size), but you should keep the same aspect ratio as the original prefab.


And that's it! See? It is plug & play, no coding required.

🚨 Potential issues:

"It doesn't work! I have status xxx"

To have the Cross Promo working, your game must be configured to use it. Please find a list of statuses you may encounter, what they mean, and how to fix them :

  • HOST_NO_MATCH : It means that your game is not configured to use Cross Promo. You should ask someone who can configure it for you if you cannot do it yourself
  • CAMPAIGNS_EMPTY : It means that the game is configured to use Cross Promo but there are no creatives or campaigns set up. To fix it, you should add some creatives or set up a campaign, or ask someone else to do it if you can't do it.

"The frame is not showing when I play the game!"

You probably have something that is not setup to use Cross Promo with your game. The first thing to check is if the returned status is not one mentioned just above. If it is the case, fix it and try again.

It may seem obvious, but check also that you have an internet connection, and that the frame is not disabled by another script or inside your scene/prefab.