Homa Belly Settings

Since Homa Belly 1.4.0, Settings can accessed through Window > Homa Games > Homa Belly > Settings

Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-19 a las 10.56.11

Development Mode
If enabled you will be able to see all logs of your game. Disable it before releasing to production. Notice: you won’t be able to push to the Google Play Store if this toggle is enabled. Be aware Apple App Store will let you publish a build with this flag, resulting in a misfunctional build
Disable Debug.Logs
Homa Belly overrides Unity’s Debug class for production performance optimization. Disable this if you don’t want this optimization or you override Debug class on your own.
Default Analytics
Enable default analytics to track Homa Belly ready to use events. Disable this is you are fully customizing your tracking events
Unity Editor
Editor Analytics
Enable Editor Analytics to help Homa Games to better read and diagnose Homa Belly usage.
Data Privacy
Game Name
Your game’s name that will be displayed in the GDPR screens
[iOS only] Privacy Popup Message
The iOS native popup message to request App Tracking Transparency permission to the user, allowing to collect IDFA. For Chinese builds, set the message to: “ Homa 或第三方合作伙伴或将收集相关数据用于 广告优化及分析目的 “
This settings are configured in your Homa Belly manifest from Homa Lab. You can Force Disable GDPR if you want to fully skip this flow. For example, for Chinese builds
Colors to be applied to GDPR screens, buttons and texts
Default Crashlytics keys
This will allow Homa Belly to set crashlytics keys describing the current state of Homa Belly. They will then appear in crashlytics reports for each crash, and can be used for debug purposes. You can disable them if you are already using Crashlytics keys and you think that the ones from Homa Belly are cluttering your reports.